Your Guide on Procell Microchanneling & Skin Renewal

There’s a bright-eyed look that accompanies clear, healthy skin. Even though we know no skin type is ever going to be perfect, it feels good to know that you’re doing whatever you can to help your skin get the proteins and nutrients it needs.

If you’re seeking a fantastic skin renewal treatment, you’ve made it! Let’s dive into the benefits of Procell Microchanneling and what it can do to restore and protect the health of your skin.

How does Procell Microchanneling help the state of your skin health?

Your skin might appear to be totally self-regulating, as in, it does what it needs to do with little intervention. But just because it looks “okay” doesn’t mean it’s thriving. Your skin is your biggest organ. It works hard to protect your other organs, keeping harmful bacteria away and even helping to regulate your body temperature. Giving your skin a little extra love to help it continue to protect you doesn’t have to be complex.

What is Procell Microchanneling?

The goal of microchanneling, or collagen induction therapy, is to stimulate your body's natural ability to generate new healthy skin, rather than utilizing destructive and inflammatory techniques like many treatments in the aesthetic industry. It has virtually no downtime, and addresses a wide variety of skin concerns including anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and a firmer skin texture.

Skin health directly correlates to whole-body health 

procell microchanneling

“Skin health” can be a nebulous term that you’ve probably heard thrown around from beauty articles to Instagram ads. To gain clarity on what skin health truly means, we have to inspect the factors by which we measure it. From its microbiome to its immunity, your skin is filled with self-defensive properties.


It holds in fluids to stay hydrated and keeps harmful microbes from permeating. It also determines the way we perceive hot and cold since it’s packed full of nerve endings. It’s basically as complex as you are, with a teeny bit less emotion.

Aging gives way to a whole new slew of skincare concerns 

Dull skin is usually one of the first indicators that your skin is entering a new era. Accompanied by crow's feet, dark circles, and age spots, growing older can be a little rough on our skin when we stop producing natural proteins that help our skin remain soft, supple, and radiant. That’s exactly where the Procell Microchanneling treatment comes in.

Can a Procell Microchanneling treatment stimulate cellular activity?

Microneedles work to create micro-injuries or microchannels which trigger a healing response from the body. Your skin begins to smooth over as a result, receiving extra collagen and elastin along the way to create a softer, more supple look and feel.

What ingredients can you expect from the Procell Microchanneling solution?

As we experience the aging process, we have fewer and fewer regenerative stem cells that survive to repair the incessant damage caused by the lack of essential proteins in our skin. The noninvasive Procell Microchanneling solution consists of human bone marrow stem cells suspended in hyaluronic acid, all of which are naturally occurring in our bodies, and help to rejuvenate skin.

How can you determine if you're a good candidate for Procell Microchanneling?

No matter where you’re at in your skincare journey, it’s never too early or too late to start making incremental changes that benefit your health as a whole. Part of the journey is determining what conditions you’re most concerned with, and what types of treatments you’d be willing to try.

What are some conditions that Procell Microchanneling can treat? 

One of the most important parts of healing the skin is having excellent circulation and the regenerative properties that stimulate getting the blood pumping all around your body, especially your face. Procell Microchanneling’s micro-injuries can treat a range of issues from hyperpigmentation to rosacea and plenty of concerns in between. Acne and surgical scars, and stretch marks too.

How can you determine if you're a good candidate for Procell Microchanneling?

esthetics treatment

Getting a thorough consultation from your esthetician is your best route to figuring out whether or not you’re a good candidate for Procell Microchanneling. There are certain conditions that may impact your immune system putting you at a higher risk for contraindications. If you have keloid scars, open wounds, or cardiac abnormalities, you’ll need to discuss other courses of treatment options.

The benefits of working with an esthetician 

With so many treatments available in the world of aesthetics, it can be tough to determine the best one for your skin health. If you set up a consultation with your esthetician, you will be able to discuss your concerns, your goals, and identify treatments you’re interested in. Hand in hand, you’ll create a working relationship and breathe vitality back into your skin!

Face First Beauty has your skincare covered from A to Z!

If you’re ready to invest in nourishing and replenishing your skin through a restorative treatment  like Procell Microchanneling, we’re so glad to help you get there. Face First Beauty is dedicated to providing the newest and best treatments for your skin. Head over to our website to schedule your consultation, and let us help you invest in the future of your skin!


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